HeartsLight Arts


Home of your favourite LOVE inspired heArtworks and heArtwear. 

Design and arts studio that specialises in creating unique  artwork, apparel and accessories to shine the heart's Light and promote Soul connections.

Li' (pictured) is the sole artist / designer / inventor / architect whose JoY is to create art and videos to celebrate LOVE that lays at the heART of her Aotearoa homeland, her father's Samoan culture, and the people of Moana nui a Kiwa.

KOHA cafe - show Li' your support

Koha is the indigenous Māori custom from Li's homeland. It is a practice of giving, reflecting the mana (integrity) of both the giver and the recipient, reflecting what the giver is able to give, and the esteem they hold of the person they are making the gift to – 'Buy me a coffee' is the modern trend and way people show their support, and so the two together make a 'KOHA cafe'... You're not in the market to buy anything but want to show Li' support? "Awwwww, that means the World to ME, TYSM!" Li : L) x from my heart's Light to Yours, Li' xox
